Before ordering, please email us at to let us know what services you’re interested in. Please include a link to your book’s Amazon listing. We’ll send you an invoice, and aim to read your book and post a review within 7 days of payment.

Reviews will be posted on Amazon and Goodreads. Please let us know if there are any other platforms you’d like us to post on.

We will accept fiction and non-fiction in most genres, including books for children and teen/ young adults.  Genres we will not accept: pornography, highly scientific reads.

Our reviews are honest, and for that reason we cannot guarantee a 4- or 5-star review. If our review is less than 4 stars, we will not post it, but will contact you first.

$ 25

Amazon/Goodreads Customer Review 


  • One (1) Amazon and Goodreads customer review
  • Up to 300 words

$ 50

Amazon/Goodreads Customer Reviews 


  • Two (2) Amazon and Goodreads customer reviews
  • Up to 300 words

$ 50

Editorial Review 


  • One (1) editorial review
  • Up to 400 words

$ 30

Rewrite Your Book Blurb 


  • Up to 500 words

$ 160

Press Release 


  • Written press release
  • Minimum 300 words
  • Distribution of press release to media
  • Up to 2 countries

After placing your order, we will send an invoice and request the following:


  • Full, electronic copy of your book

  • Link to Amazon page

  • Link to Goodreads listing